1 - The Collaborative Habit by Twyla Tharp
2 - 59 Seconds by Richard Wiseman
3 - The War Of Art by Steven Pressfield
4 - The (mis)behaviour Of Markets by Benoit Mandlebrot
5 - Drive by Daniel Pink
6 - Velocity by Dee Jacob et al
7 - The Art Of The Start by Guy Kawasaki
8 - Brave New World (f) by Aldous Huxley
9 - Linchpin by Seth Godin
10 - Rework by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hanson
11 - The Management Myth by Matthew Stewart
12 - The 4-Hour Work Week (r) by Tim Ferriss
13 - Maverick (r) by Ricardo Semler
Q1 Bonus - The Dice Man (f) by Luke Rhinehart
14 - Confessions Of A Public Speaker by Scott Berkun
15 - The Man In The High Castle (f) by Philip K Dick
16 - Presentation Zen by Garr Reynolds
17 - Neverwhere (f) by Neil Gaiman
18 - The End Of Faith by Sam Harris
19 - The Knowing-Doing Gap by Pfeffer and Sutton
20 - The Design Of Business by Roger Martin
21 - Speak Human by Eric Karjaluoto
22 - Childhood's End (f) by Arthur C Clarke
23 - Outliers (r) by Malcolm Gladwell
24 - What The Dog Saw (r) by Malcolm Gladwell
25 - Blink (r) (a) by Malcolm Gladwell
26 - The Elements Of Style by William Strunk
Q2 Bonus - American Gods (f) #1b1t by Neil Gaiman
27 - What Should I Do With My Life? by Po Bronson
28 - The Upside Of Irrationality by Dan Ariely
29 - Foundation (f) by Isaac Asimov
30 - Let My People Go Surfing by Yvon Chouinard
31 - The Big Short by Michael Lewis
32 - Foundation And Empire (f) by Isaac Asimov
33 - Leading Change by John Kotter
34 - Second Foundation (f) by Isaac Asimov
35 - Into The Wild by John Krakauer
36 - Delivering Happieness (a) by Tony Hsieh
37 - The Complete Stories Of Sherlock Holmes (f) by Arthur Conan Doyle
38 - Roomanitarian by Henry Rollins
39 - Win Without Pitching Manifesto (e) by Blair Enns
Q3 Bonus - Tell-All (f) by Chuck Palahniuk
40 - The Bootstrappers Bible (e) by Seth Godin
41 - Neuromancer (f) by William Gibson
42 - The Paleo Diet by Loren Cordain
43 - Then We Came To The End (f) by Joshua Ferris
44 - Fascinate by Sally Hogshead
45 - Player One (f) by Douglas Coupland
46 - Notes On The Synthesis Of Form by Christopher Alexander
47 - Head First Rails (e) by David Griffiths
48 - Agile Web Development With Rails (e) by Sam Ruby et al
49 - Pragmatic Version Control With Git (e) by Travis Swicegood
50 - Unbearable Lightness of Being (f) by Milan Kundera
51 - The Art Of Non-Conformity by Chris Guillebeau
52 - The Metamorphosis (f) by Franz Kafka
Q4 Bonus - The 4-Hour Body by Tim Ferriss
(f) = Fiction
(r) = Re-read
(a) = Audio
(e) = Electronic
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