Friday, 9 April 2010


Balls, managed to miss the blog duel deadline today.

In fairness i have been rather distracted by my dad starting a business. I spent the morning designing a logo, business cards and letterhead. Not being a graphic designer, the process was rather time consuming, at times frustrating, but ultimately quite satisfying. The logo isn't anything fancy, but trying to get everything pixel perfect in vector format was a challenge:

A large part of the afternoon was spent arguing accounting terms, styles and requirements with my mum, then prototyping various spreadsheets that will be required for cashflow, mileage and invoicing. Again time consuming and at times frustrating, but i think we have come up with a pretty good system.

Tomorrow i need to actually create the final versions of the spreadsheets and then design a really basic single page website. After all that is sorted, he should be good to go. I may have done hee-haw so far with my own business, but at least my training and research hasn't gone to waste ;-)

In other news, the votes are in and my blog posts will be a maximum of 750 words from now on. Hopefully it should be sufficiently challenging for some of the longer posts i have planned.

Seeing as i missed the deadline and this is a bit of a non-post, i will do 2 proper, real, hopefully interesting posts this week.

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